Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Friday Frustrations

It's a blog carnival, everyone's joining. Maria, I tried to grab the button but it wouldn't come off the screen.

Today is Friday and I'm frustrated. Has nothing to do with the excellent prize-filled weekend awaiting me (I LOVE Valentines day with all my heart). My camera will be unable to take any great pictures...oh no, I have TWO cameras, not really a problem there.

Simply, no download capacity, and why bother taking great pictures on a satisfyingly-average camera, without a reliable outcome. Who knows.

Also, I had to defend my right to be a professional blogger to my husband again. Well, he's supporting me, and we're still content to use the library as our it's-not-really-complicated home base.

I guess it's just the fact that my other favorite Sara, you know, one of THOSE three bloggers...never came to my sanity defense like she was supposed to. And so, while I'm the sanest person on the planet despite what over-certified feminists prefer to believe...

my record shows that TV's can't talk, or at least, can't wink back at you on purpose.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading about your frustrations. Have a great prize filled weekend!
