Wednesday, December 2, 2009


My husband and I are probably atypical in that we're not the sort to compile the commonly-acceptable "celebrities I'd allow to paint my nails, if given the chance" list. I, for one, eschew nail polish for the mere sake of it being oxygen-robbing. Nails are meant to breathe, period.

It's much like wearing foundation, blush, and lipstick as a mask, instead of as a subtle compliment. People come to depend on unnatural coloring at the expense of what blood flow intended. They don't work as hard to live as authentic flesh and blood, and once the cake and paste are removed...ghostly paleness.

I have no doubt in the world that Scarlett Johansson looks as beautiful with her make-up off, as she does with it on, that's not the question. And if Pete Yorn wears make-up at all, I'd be quite surprised. But it was ME who sat up every morning watching their video and thinking they were the perfectly matched voices all those sleepless nights urged them to be.

My husband bought the CD at Starbucks without even having seen it though. Does that mean he'd put Scarlett's ten nails, I mean twenty, before me?

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