Friday, July 24, 2009

Down the waterslide

Two full days left of luckzurious vakayshun, then we travel on backs to hicksville USA. Where gossip is bred on spools, and life's worn out on "hey did ya hear" and "WHAT did she say?" Could totally write an entire slanderous novel on that thread alone. Wonder if I could somehow figure a vindicated birth sister in. Um, "you betcha" sound true enough?

Got the idea from a movie I watched last night starring Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore. Did you notice how Hugh's face is creased from his eyebrow to his chin, and that when he relaxes into certain expressions he looks as mediocre and average as, I don't know, a guy that's more likely himself. How do they DO that? And why, I always wonder.

For what purpose, you know? Plus, what's with the guitars hanging on the wall? Some kind of wishful, dreamy reminder of the day's important task (he's a songwriter)...or visions of another life, perhaps an icon of worship for a perfectly-pitched rock star. Who ever knows about these things, not I. Wouldn't even catch a "hmm, that's interesting" glimmer in my eye.

It would be a blank stare, purposefully sent inside myself and back where no one could see it, translate it, or copy it. Got to protect that. See, my soul's always journeying (it's one of my flaws) and if for ever a second my daimon gets caught deciding in each moment which is more important...gone, just like that.

Well, not just like that. Take this current challenge I'm facing, trust me, they'll never end. How to handle myself, maintain my spirit, and keep my principles in line...gonna test me like never ever before. I tend to like that. What else is life for, what's its purpose, and really honestly, can I still keep my integrity intact?

Fuck dignity, I'm all about wholeness now. See, still fast.

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