Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I'm not at the park

One foot out the door, but I decided to empty a couple of baskets of laundry first, and of course, write a quick blog. I'm in a writing mood today, hate when that happens, because my thoughts aren't really organized enough to even be writing in the first place. And so, you get all my deepest feelings splattered everywhere, very unproductive if you ask me.

I like it best when I'm on top of my game, able to accomplish all I set out to, and pulling things out of my hat I didn't even know were in there. Those are my best days, and I haven't spring to excuse myself with this time. This time, it's the muggy weather, and the fact that I need to be at the park when instead, I'm here emptying a couple of baskets of laundry, and writing a quick blog.

Even my paragraphs are four lines instead of three, pre-posting. I'm a three lines pre-posting kind of girl, which ends up being four or five once published. Four lines will leave me with six, how annoying. Nothing more annoying to my own self than being wordy, instead of concise.

There, that was three. I like being concise about life in general...I study this, I think these, I am whatever. My best self is concise, so if ever you catch me being wordy, or splattering my feelings everywhere, it's unproductive in my opinion, and not my best me.

Not that there's not a time and a place for all of the above mentioned, the concise and the wordy, three-lined pre-posting paragraphs and four. I usually shy away from two lines pre-posting, not sure why. But, I'm going to the park right now, just happy to have three lines pre-posting again.

For me, it's the little things that count. Oh great, that's just one. Freakin out!

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