Monday, May 18, 2009


There are only two medicines I know of that treat the burning heart, as caused by foods that for a million unknown reasons won't just be properly digested like they're told to. One, is to just sit with the pain, which inevitably leads to the eyes rolling back in the head, hence the reverie. The mind then starts to feel weak and floaty, and then one gets lost in dream.

Not a good place to be when the primary job is to function as a homemaker, wife, and teacher. The other medicine hasn't been invented yet, and like the diabetes cure, requires scientists and researchers to lay out their findings and decide which will create the best outcome, cost and efficiency-wise.

It's too bad when scientists invest in only parts, because it's the whole picture that allowed the burn to be available to sufferers everywhere in the first place. The whole entire picture that will continue to allow sufferers thereafter to suffer from indigestable food from that point forward.

Suffering from a burning heart is a lesson in disguise, it always is, but at this point I'm not going to take the easy out and say, "just have faith". Because while religion is a useful means of curing just about anything in this day and age, communicating about religion is as essential a part of the cure as anything.

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