Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The art of compromise

I realized in the blink of an eye that compromise can have two different flavors. There's the compromise where you just didn't finish sorting through all of your options, so when the perfect solution lands on your plate, everything in your universe is back in rhythm. This type of compromise is not just a relief, it satisfies the soul on the deepest level because you feel as if you've been guided, and the stumble along the way was a necessary part of your growth.

The other type of compromise stands out in stark contrast, it probably leans more towards sacrifice, because the losses that are felt are not part of your growth. More likely, that type of compromise serves somebody else who is still growing, and the least you can do when you find yourself caught in an almost compromise of everything you value and believe in, is be grateful you can still feel the difference between the two.

Despite yesterday's shake-up, I am not putting both of my kids into public school, thankfully. Only my second born is perfectly-suited for the adventure, has been craving this type of stimulating challenge of his abilities, and good homeschooling parents welcome any opportunity to further strengthen their children. My oldest on the other hand, is intuitive like me, enjoys self-directed learning at home, and has been to school before. She chooses not to compromise her freedom and enjoyment of life as it is. I respect that.

This experience was necessary for my growth, entirely. It reinvigorated my summer teaching, now knowing precisely what my son needs to prepare to compete with his classmates, I'm on a directed mission. I look forward to his new habits structuring our September and onward, can already see the early breakfasts and discussions we'll share as the rest of the house slumbers through winter. Valuable, lasting memories will be made, and it's my son's intuition of his needs that has brought us here. I only listened.

I needed the invigoration as much as I needed the reminder that my life has never been about compromising anything I deeply care about and believe in. That walk in itself is what's produced all the fruit I see around me, a loving and connected family, a bright future that's secure because of the foundation I put all my faith in. It's what allows me to stumble and fall with my hope still intact, with full certainty that I'm supposed to be learning something when I fail, that I'd never just fall with no specific purpose to my landing.

It surprises me when I need reminding that to sacrifice my basic beliefs, my core strengths, the essence of who I am is NOT part of God's plan for my life, never has been. It was a wake up call worth having, to remember that all the gifts I've been given are for a reason bigger than I can sometimes see for myself. Even if that reason is as basic as knowing, or remembering, that it's right to celebrate our good values, without compromise. Now that I know the difference, can discern between the feelings of both, I'm set free. Never again will compromise put me last.

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