Sunday, June 7, 2009

Could've been email

This blogpost should've been written in the form of an email, as part of an exchange that had been taking place over two months time, being honest. Good friends have no problem communicating through email, preferring it as the ideal means to clear up miscommunications, with skill and experience, eventually insuring they never even happen in the first place.

Damn, I wish this could've been said through email. When things aren't said through email, they end up in blogposts like these, which can be embarassing for all parties involved, especially the non-emailee. Oh, how I have wanted to clear up a few small details through email, instead of this being a blogpost, you see.

It will have to do, what choice am I given? Well, it depends how you look at it (saying this to myself, as if I'm emailing me). Dear self, you could have known me so much better, and honored all my particulars, but you didn't want to see. Not seeing served you better, and now I see more than you can see.

Seeing is better, it is. I do have compassion, I want to hearten and encourage, but in my way, the only way I know how. That was the original context of all the original emails that would've been written about honor and seeing and friendship. Had email been the path, allowed or considered, good friends we'd still be.

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